So I recently turned 27 – what fresh hell, how did that happen?! And I thought it might be rather useful* (therapeutic?) to share some of my musings on being 26 and some of the things that I learned…
1. Hangovers will find you and they will try to kill you.
2. It’s never too late to pursue your passions. If I can do it, you most definitely can! It’s not easy to juggle a full time job alongside a part time job, whilst also trying to blog, create a decent YouTube channel and complete a Playwrights’ course. In fact, it’s pretty damn hard trying to devote enough time, effort and energy to each of those things, but what’s the other option? Life is too short to spend it not doing things you love. Whatever your passions may be, find some time to give to them – it makes a massive difference to your mental state.
3. Spots aren’t something you grow out of. At least, not so far. Fuck you, Mother Nature.
4. You will also start to get wrinkles. They’re not major, but your concealer definitely starts to collect in some new lines. So y’know, spots AND the beginning of wrinkles. Thanks again, Mother Nature, you’re a treat.
5. Remind yourself that ageing is a natural process and a privilege denied to many and all those gorgeous social media models and darlings that we’re inundated with are filtered af. I mean, everyone loves a filter; it’s super hard to put a bare faced spotty selfie online for all to see BUT comparing yourself to people is really unhealthy. We don’t know what goes on behind an Instagram post, we just see the good stuff.
6. Seriously, don’t compare yourself to people.
7. You’re still doing it, aren’t you? Well, we all do, it’s an unfortunate part of human nature in our social media obsessed world, but please remember that people only share the bits they want to be seen. We don’t know the truth. The standards online are impossible to attain, so there’s absolutely nothing to gain by staring longingly at someone’s feed and berating yourself for not being in Dubai or the Maldives. It’s probably not even that fun, anyways.
8. Lying to yourself is really something you should grow out. Of COURSE Dubai and the Maldives are basically paradise on earth, but we’re all on different paths and journeys and see point 6.
9. I do hope my path leads to the Maldives at some point.
10. Goals are important. Set them and work your hardest to try and achieve them.
11. Nobody ever begrudges a trier. Your future self will thank you.
12. Getting your RDA of water works wonders for your skin and mind.
13. Sunday evenings remain completely depressing.
14. On that thought, why the hell is it so hard to sleep on a Sunday evening?! Lavender candles and pillow spray are your new bffs.
15. It’s important to be positive, but you’ve got to be realistic about your feelings; if you’re not quite where you want to be, that’s FINE. It’s okay to wallow, moan and watch films in bed once in a while – then you can approach a new day head on.
16. It’s okay not to have your shit completely together. I still don’t and frankly, I don’t see it happening any time soon.
17. How the hell do you save up for a deposit for a mortgage and still manage to have a social life and hobbies? Seriously, I’m a brilliant saver and I’m ridiculously anal about saving each month, but then I work two jobs all year round and need an exotic beach holiday. “Do you really need to go to South East Asia for a decent beach?” Yes, Mum, I do.
18. Whatever you earn, try and put a little something into a savings account each month. Whether you blow it on make up, more books (my collection is a tad excessive) or a holiday; saving money is a good habit to develop.
19. Social media breeds a whole lot of drama. It can be a wonderful, positive place to connect with people, but it can also be the home of copious amounts of bullshit and fakery. We all know you don’t spend ALL your Monday’s on a cruise Karen, so stop asking “how’s your Monday?” with a smug face because you’ll be back in the office in two weeks looking like a twat.
20. Treat people online the way you wish to be treated. If you wouldn’t make a harsh, criticising comment to a person’s face, why would you put it in print for all to see? There’s too much hate online, it’s so important to BE NICE.
21. Having said that, if your racist Uncle Gary needs putting in his place, then be sure to do your part succinctly and politely*.
*he most probably doesn’t deserve politeness but your mum will thank you if you don’t drop the C-bomb on his offensive Facebook statuses.
22. The people you surround yourself with have a serious impact on your personal happiness and state of mind. Be sure to surround yourself with genuine, caring people who have your best interests at heart and who you love being around.
23. Your friendship circle will get smaller and some friendships will come to an end. This can be heartbreaking, but it is a natural part of growing older and ensuring those you have in your life are true marvels.
24. It’s okay to say no to plans. I know, shocking, right? Forcing yourself to do things you don’t want to do out of fear of potential repercussions isn’t healthy. True friends will not begrudge you a night in of Netflix and chill with your beloved.
25. Netflix and chill literally means Netflix and chill.
26. You have the right to be happy. Find your happiness and hold onto it with all your might. Life will try to throw rocks at you on several occasions; your happiness is the bat you need to whack them away.
Thanks so much for reading, folks! I hope this was insightful in some way or at least made you smile. Do birthdays make you feel reflective at all? Let me know in the comments below!
Much love,
All photos are my own unless otherwise specified
Love it Jess ?
Ahhh thank you, dearest! ?✨
I hope you had a lovely birthday! 🙂 And I love that jumper! Very cute!
It was fabulous! Thanks so much, m’dear ♥️
Wow this is incredibly awesome… I think I would do same when I turn 27 by October… You’ve got a perfect post..
Ahhh thank you so much!
You’re correct about 22 above…the people you surround yourself with impact your life positively or negatively
Thank you, I learnt that the hard way!