Hellooo, everyone! Today is my one year Bloggerversary, so I couldn’t possibly let this day pass by without some kind of acknowledgement. Starting this blog was one of the best decisions I ever made. Now, don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t changed or affected my life in an obvious-to-the-casual-observer kind of way, but it has greatly helped my self esteem, mental health and outlook on life.
In a world dominated by social media, a world where only half a picture (in the best lighting, on a great day) is shown, where struggles are hidden and blemishes are perfectly edited out; it’s very easy to sit and compare yourself to those who seemingly have it all. I have spent years admiring bloggers and their apparent lifestyle, their freedom and the fact they’re often in control of their own work schedules – which, to someone like me, who works 2.5 jobs and has to take copious power naps just to make it through the week, seems pretty dream like. But trying to balance and grow a blog and my social media accounts all whilst juggling work and a Playwrights’ course has made me realise just how much of a commitment this line of work is. I have struggled to upload content as regularly as I’d like to and my goal for the following year is to make a conscious effort to be more consistent with my posts. The bloggers and creators I admire have managed to get to where they want to be, and continue to develop and grow their careers, through hard work and determination – it won’t have been easy, but who says I can’t do the same thing?
I have always loved writing; I would spend hours as a child in my bedroom writing stories and then acting them out, so my dream is, of course, for this blog to lead to some professional writing work. I hope to pick up some freelance jobs and build a decent, reputable blog that people enjoy reading and that shows my passion for writing and the topics I choose to write about. I do struggle, daily, with comparing myself to those that already seem to be where I want to be; but I’ve come to accept that we’re all on our own individual journeys and there is no time limit on when we should achieve our goals. Blogging does make me feel a little more in control of my career path, even though progress is slow. I do get overwhelmed and have moments of crippling panic that I haven’t managed to achieve success in my desired career, but there is still time. There is no gigantic hourglass above our heads rapidly trickling sand, so why do we all act as though there is? It’s important to remember that the lifestyles we see online are filtered snapshots of a bigger picture – people only share the version of their life that they want the world to believe. Sure, some lives look bloody spectacular, but that’s not to say there aren’t moments of doubt or darkness there, too. We must stop comparing our own paths to our friends, families and especially strangers on the internet. We are on our own individual journey. What will be will be. Creating my own little space on this vast internet is helping me realise that more and more with every passing day.
Remember, your life is yours. It isn’t anybody else’s, so it’s pointless to compare it so someone else’s. Try your best to be happy every day and if you’re in a situation that isn’t making you happy, look to see what changes you can make. For me, this blog has provided a creative outlet that has made me feel happier and more determined to succeed. One day, I will be working as a writer. My time will come, and so will yours.
Thank you to each and every one of you that has read any of my rambling posts or subscribed, it truly means the world and I love connecting with you all.
Until next time and with much love,
Find me on Instagram + Twitter. All photos are my own unless otherwise specified.
Congratulations on your Bloggerversary 🙂
Thank youuuu! ☺️
Congratulations on 1 year lovely. I love reading your blog X
Thank you, gorgeous girl!