Hellooo, folks! It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of beauty subscription boxes and I’m always keen to try something new, so I was absolutely delighted when the wonderful gems over at Brushbox sent me one of their innovative boxes to sample. So what exactly is Brushbox and, more importantly, is it for you?
Simply put, it’s a subscription service designed to make a beautiful smile easy and accessible for all. If you subscribe, a sleek, letterbox-friendly box will arrive at your door every two months containing fresh toothbrushes, toothpaste and, if you choose, floss and a tongue cleaner (seriously) for a little extra. There’s no contract to uphold; you can subscribe for as little or as long as you like and delivery is always free. Their whitening toothpaste is PETA approved cruelty free (hoorah!), whilst their bamboo brushes are eco-friendly and their plastics are 100% recyclable. A regular toothbrush can take an alarming 400 years to decompose and there are billions of us using and discarding them on a regular basis. They end up in our oceans and on our beaches causing irreparable damage to marine life and the environment. We only have one planet, it is our duty to protect it! Brushbox’s environmentally friendly approach to oral healthcare is admirable and I certainly hope more companies follow their lead. Right, that’s enough of my hippie rant – how much does this little service cost?
It can get a little confusing, because in order to suit all potential customers, there are quite a few options available. Solo boxes start at £3.50 per month, but that does guarantee you the most basic plan; one plastic toothbrush and one tube of toothpaste delivered to your door every two months. Despite their plastic brushes being 100% recyclable (even the bristles!), I would love to see them make the switch to an entirely bamboo range in the future, as plastics are often recycled incorrectly and cause lots of environmental damage. Trying to reduce my impact on our beautiful planet is a cause close to my heart and I made the switch to bamboo toothbrushes a few months ago. With Brushbox, it would cost an extra 50p per month, per person to add bamboo brushes to your plan. There are plans for couples, plans for families and solo plans, so the company really does cater for all. For a couple, there is a slight discount as plans start at £3 per person per month, which would cost £11.98 every two months. Again, that’s just for the basic plan and any extras increase the price. For myself and my boyfriend, two bamboo brushes and two month’s supply of toothpaste would cost us £13.98 every two months. Not too shabby, but most definitely more than I spend on my toothpaste and toothbrushes every two months. But that’s Brushbox’s plan, isn’t it? To make sure we’re not neglecting our dental health – something that is all too easy to do. We’re a busy, bustling, hectic bunch of people that often make do for too long. If the bristles of your toothbrush have gone soft, whatever your dental routine, it’s definitely time to switch it up and buy a new one! I’ve certainly been guilty of forgetting to repurchase a new brush until my pearly whites are practically begging for a newbie. This error (or laziness) is eliminated with Brushbox’s service.
I think Brushbox is a brilliant concept that makes eco-friendly oral care simple and convenient. I would definitely recommend giving this service a go and finding a plan that works for you and your nearest and dearest. Is a dental subscription box something you would consider? Let me know in the comments!
As always, thanks for reading. Much love,
Twitter: @Jessicat_beauty
Insta: @jessaaa_olwyn
All photos are my own unless otherwise specified
I love the sound of this subscription box. The bamboo toothbrushes is such a great idea and look so cool Xx
They’re so much better for the environment, too! Definitely worth a try xoxo